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Sunday, 2 December 2012


Introduction to STELLA
What is STELLA?
STELLA is software that provided simulation. While simulation is a way to predict anything, looks like real but it is just a simulation. The simulation will show some prediction; in scientific simulation is one of the ways to understand easily. Simulation is one of the effective ways of teaching and learning of science. Simulation refers to the prediction of a difficult thing to be found in real life. Among others, the simulations also aim to show the impact that would occur in an atmosphere of danger such as an accident. Simulation example is the use and durability of the helmet. Engineers will use simulations to determine the extent to which the helmet can survive in the event of an accident.
Using STELLA, teachers can give more detailed explanations to students. There are several examples of simulation in STELLA, which is predator-prey dynamics simulation. This simulation will illuminate prey and predator relationships. Students can change the number of predators and will see for their selves what is the impact on the number of victims either increase or decrease. This will enhance students' understanding of this topic.
How to get STELLA?
STELLA can be found in the internet and can be downloaded, but it is trial version. Trial version can only be used in a month. For permanent usage, STELLA is sold at a high price for installation (in a CD-ROM).


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