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ICT class teach about the use of technology in learning and teaching science performance especially.The use of technology is to facilitate a variety of work.

While in the ICT class this semester, many of which have been learned. among them is how to use 'paint', 'print screen', building your own blog, using the 'movie maker' and so on.
what have been taught by sir Azmi will be a very useful lesson later. in learning interactive white board, students are still unable to practice the use of the white board on the technical problems that occur.

During the ICT laboratory, we are given time to complete assignments. This allows us to provide time to complete the tasks that will not be delayed.
Teaching in the classroom is also not too passive, Mr Azmi makes teaching a two-way with not only guided slide. he also made great example for us to apply what you have been taught in the classroom for use in school later.


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